Diesel Dogs - Pit Bull & Bully Breedings
Blonde Bombers
This breeding is bringing you everything you could want in a dog. Health, genetics, athleticism, and good looks. Bailey & Enoch compliment each other rather well. Baileys compact bullish frame with match up with Enochs refined lines and athletic structure. Their temperament is going to be second to none, these dogs are lovers just as much as they like to work. Anyone that comes over is forced to love on them as they both will sit on you for attention. We're super excited to see what comes from this combination of excellence. Pups due late November 2020
Say WHAT!?
XL PERFECTION personafide. The healthiest XL male created is an inbred Ra son and we bred him to our super producing Rogue daughter. This will create some of the strongest willed, athletic, working dogs ever with some of the best temperaments to boot. Nami is the sister to Enoch and their temperaments are some of the best you can experice within a dog. Frank is a super version of Ra with the same insane willingness to please. The abilities of these dogs will only be out done by the size of their hearts. We're beyond excited to see perfection made, this is how you create the next level of healthy XL's
The factors you should NEVER consider when breeding is HOW MUCH money will I make and HOW FAST can I sell puppies. Always breed for yourself and a purpose first to accomplish the best desired results and genetics.